A non-profit working together with Communities empowering individuals to RISE into a safe place of wholeness.
But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, “With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.”
Matthew 19:26
Who We Are

D & D Emerge USA is a nonprofit charitable organization that believes everyone should be treated uniquely and distinctively equal. Regardless of individual valley lows and often times than not, their unforeseen struggles that causes dysfunction, everyone qualify to live their best life. As Christians, and according to Scripture in Matthew 19:26, we also believe that with God all things are possible. Therefore, no matter our rough terrain of life, we really do qualify to live our best life.
D & D Emerge USA is available to assist in the navigation to transformation. That process involves hands on mentoring and empowerment sessions that include forwarding individuals to the right resources for their need.
D & D Emerge USA works together with communities to empower all to RISE in that safe place of wholeness.
The mission of D & D Emerge USA is to encourage and empower individuals and groups to embrace their own journey to wholeness. It also encourages our participants toward acceptance of one’s own self worth, and to promote acceptance between all people of differing cultures, life circumstances, and abilities regardless of their status in life.
The main benefit of Pieces of Me program were that I learned from a spiritual, I may say, a Biblical perspective, rather than my own perspective. I enjoyed the most about the program is the facilitator Denise Taylor is always available whenever I need her. Her smiling face of understanding is readily availed to me. I recommend this program to anyone who wants to better themselves. We love Mrs. Denise!

The following are a few of the other awesome participants of the Pieces of Me, A Perfect Fit program.
There will always be obstacles that confront us, and try to dictate a life that may be totally opposite of our purposes. We must learn to live out each piece of our puzzle, knowing that nothing we have gone through is wasted. There is a season for everything in our life. This group of phenomenal individuals embraced it with cheer and optimism!