D & D Emerge USA

Fragrant Power

Fragrant Power

An unknown author quoted – “The blossom cannot tell what becomes of its fragrance as it drifts away, just as no person can tell what becomes of their influence as they continue through life.”

I can certainly agree with that on so many levels. Our fragrant flower options aren’t limited and come in all shapes. As we look at our lives, just like a flower, we cast off an aroma that is either pleasant or not so pleasant. Our hope, however, is that we leave an impression of goodwill, generosity, and love to all we encounter. This is what becomes memorable.

Most importantly, the Bible says, “We are unto God a sweet savor of Christ.” Our lives are to be like a sweet fragrance that exhales unto God. The sweet smell of flowers brings gladness to their owner. I know that we all can appreciate the beauty of such a gift of nature.

We too can become a living, blossoming, growing, and scented flower that all who encounter our beauty in the Lord, may desire the same of their life. May our influence in this world be marked in and by the influence of God. Filled with a fragrant power, strong and vibrant. This too, is what becomes memorable.